Gene Ontology

cellular_component=>GO:0005575 ( 1898 genes)
    cell part=>GO:0044464 ( 691 genes)
go to the parent GO           membrane part => GO:0044425 ( 175 genes)
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intrinsic to membrane GO:0031224 109 (1.37 %)
proton-transporting two-sector ATPase complex GO:0016469 42 (0.53 %)
membrane coat GO:0030117 14 (0.18 %)
vesicle membrane GO:0012506 14 (0.18 %)
plasma membrane part GO:0044459 10 (0.13 %)
Golgi membrane GO:0000139 8 (0.1 %)
endoplasmic reticulum membrane GO:0005789 5 (0.06 %)
nuclear envelope-endoplasmic reticulum network GO:0042175 5 (0.06 %)
GPI-anchor transamidase complex GO:0042765 2 (0.03 %)
nuclear membrane part GO:0044453 2 (0.03 %)
outer membrane GO:0019867 2 (0.03 %)
mitochondrial membrane part GO:0044455 1 (0.01 %)